Einhandwaffe oder Zweihandwaffe/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 7: Zeile 7:

If you choose the one-handed weapon, you also choose  [[Special:MyLanguage/Rüstung|Armor]] and [[Special:MyLanguage/Schilde|Shields]]. You do less damage by nature than a knight with a two-handed weapon. Therefore you have to reduce the damage your opponent causes. To further minimize the damage, the [[Special:MyLanguage/Geschicklichkeit|dexterity]] will be skilled in addition to [[Armor]].
If you choose the one-handed weapon, you also choose  [[Special:MyLanguage/Rüstung|Armor]] and [[Special:MyLanguage/Schilde|Shields]]. You do less damage by nature than a knight with a two-handed weapon. Therefore you have to reduce the damage your opponent causes. To further minimize the damage, the [[Special:MyLanguage/Geschicklichkeit|dexterity]] will be skilled in addition to [[Armor]].
Here there are two variants: The offensive one hand and the defensive one hand. As the names already tell you, the focus is either on the weapon (offensive one-hand, significantly more points on the weapon than on the armour) or on the armour (defensive one-hand, significantly more points on the armour than on the weapon). The defensive one-hand has it much harder on the [[Special:MyLanguage/Schlachtfeld|Battlefield]] than the offensive one-hand.
Here there are two variants: The offensive one hand and the defensive one hand. As the names already tell you, the focus is either on the weapon (offensive one-hand, significantly more points on the weapon than on the armour) or on the armour (defensive one-hand, significantly more points on the armour than on the weapon). The defensive one-hand has it much harder on the [[Special:MyLanguage/Schlachtfeld|Battlefield]] than the offensive one-hand.
Here there are two variants: The offensive one hand and the defensive one hand. As the names already tell you, the focus is either on the weapon (offensive one-hand, significantly more points on the weapon than on the armour) or on the armour (defensive one-hand, significantly more points on the armour than on the weapon). The defensive one-hand has it much harder on the [[Special:MyLanguage/Schlachtfeld|Battlefield]] than the offensive one-hand.

Zeile 17: Zeile 18:

Manche Spieler wählen auch die Variante Zweihänder und Rüstung. Das ist im frühen Spielverlauf eher schwierig, kommt aber gerade bei den High-Leveln von ganz alleine. Irgendwann hat man die letzte Waffe gekauft und kann die restlichen Skillpunkte nur noch sinnvoll für die Rüstung gebrauchen.
Some players also choose the two-handed version and armor. This is rather difficult in the early stages of the game, but comes naturally, especially at the high levels. At some point you have bought the last weapon and can only use the remaining skill points sensibly for the armour.

== Umskillen, aber wie? ==
== otherskill, but how? ==

Einen Charakter vollständig von Einhand auf Zweihand oder umgekehrt umzuskillen, kann sehr teuer werden und viel Zeit in Anspruch nehmen. Es empfiehlt sich daher nicht zu früh (also mit kleinem Level) mit dem Wechsel zu beginnen, da es sonst unter Umständen viele Tage oder gar Wochen dauern kann, bis man fertig ist. Während dieser Zeit ist der Charakter auch für kleinere Level dann sehr leicht zu schlagen und im Kampf zu nicht viel nütze. Bereits ab dem 23. zurück gesetzten Skill kostet jeder weitere Punkt 3.000 Gold. Wenn man das dann mit dem Wirtshaus Verdienst abgleicht, kann man sich schnell ausrechnen, wie lange das zurücksetzen dauern kann. Wenn man regelmäßig den Battleserver besucht, empfiehlt es sich eine 400-Kämpfe-Session mit idealerweise verdoppeltem Gold-Gewinn abzuwarten. So hat man schon ein Mal einen großen Grundstock, mit dem man viele Punkte zurück setzen kann.
Completely rekilling a character from one hand to two hands or vice versa can be very expensive and take a long time. It is therefore recommended not to start the change too early (i.e. with a low level), as it may take many days or even weeks to finish. During this time the character is very easy to beat even for smaller levels and is not useful in combat. Already from the 23rd skill reset, each additional point costs 3,000 gold. If you then compare this with the inn earnings, you can quickly calculate how long it can take to reset. If you regularly visit the Battleserver, it is advisable to wait for a 400-fight session with ideally doubled gold earnings. This way you already have a large base with which you can reset many points.

Außerdem gilt zu beachten: Es ist teurer, von Zweihand- auf Einhandwaffe zu wechseln. Der Grund: Einhandwaffen Träger skillen zusätzlich Geschicklichkeit.
In addition, the following must also be observed: It's more expensive to switch from two-handed to one-handed weapons. The reason: one-handed weapon carriers also improve dexterity.

Vorbereitung ist also alles:
So preparation is everything:
* Als Zweihänder: Vor dem Zurücksetzen schon mal fleißig Punkte in Rüstung und Geschicklichkeit investieren. So kommt ihr zwar eine kurze Zeit nicht übermäßig schnell vorwärts und bekommt ein deutlich höheres Kampfpotential, aber ihr seid nicht sofort kampfunfähig. Denn: beim Zurücksetzen könnt ihr eure Ausrüstung eventuell nicht mehr nutzen und müsst zusätzlich noch neue kaufen, falls ihr während dieser Zeit weiter kämpfen wollt.
* As two-handed: Before resetting, invest diligently points in armor and skill. This way you won't advance too fast for a short time and get a much higher fighting potential, but you won't be unable to fight immediately. This is because you may not be able to use your equipment when you reset, and you will have to buy new equipment if you want to continue fighting during this time.
* Als Einhänder: Schon mal die nächsten paar Level Aufstiege etwas in die Zweihand-Waffe investieren
* As a one-handed player: Invest a little bit in the two-handed weapon for the next few levels

Wer von Einhand auf Zweihand wechselt, hat auf dem [[Special:MyLanguage/Schlachtfeld|Schlachtfeld]] einen klaren Nachteil: Die Geschicklichkeit ist weiterhin hoch, da normale Skills nicht zurück gesetzt werden können. Obwohl ihr keine oder nur eine kleine Rüstung tragt, erhöht die Geschicklichkeit euer [[Special:MyLanguage/Kampfpotential|Kampfpotential]] unnötig. Ihr habt es also schwerer beim Kampf gegen höhere KPs als euer eigenes.
If you switch from one-handed to two-handed, you have a clear disadvantage on the [[Special:MyLanguage/Schlachtfeld|Battlefield]]: Skill is still high, because normal skills cannot be reset. Even though you may be wearing no armour or only a small amount of armour, skill will increase your [[Special:MyLanguage/Kampfpotential|Combat potential]] unnecessarily. You will have a harder time fighting higher CPs than your own.

[[Kategorie:Fragen zum Spiel/en]][[Kategorie:FAQ/en]][[Kategorie:Sonstiges/en]]
[[Kategorie:Fragen zum Spiel/en]][[Kategorie:FAQ/en]][[Kategorie:Sonstiges/en]]

Aktuelle Version vom 17. Juli 2020, 11:47 Uhr



Normally you decide at the beginning of the game what kind of weapon you want to carry. Both variants have their advantages. There are two procedures, which you can find mainly on the servers.

If you choose the one-handed weapon, you also choose Armor and Shields. You do less damage by nature than a knight with a two-handed weapon. Therefore you have to reduce the damage your opponent causes. To further minimize the damage, the dexterity will be skilled in addition to Armor. Here there are two variants: The offensive one hand and the defensive one hand. As the names already tell you, the focus is either on the weapon (offensive one-hand, significantly more points on the weapon than on the armour) or on the armour (defensive one-hand, significantly more points on the armour than on the weapon). The defensive one-hand has it much harder on the Battlefield than the offensive one-hand. Here there are two variants: The offensive one hand and the defensive one hand. As the names already tell you, the focus is either on the weapon (offensive one-hand, significantly more points on the weapon than on the armour) or on the armour (defensive one-hand, significantly more points on the armour than on the weapon). The defensive one-hand has it much harder on the Battlefield than the offensive one-hand.

If you decide to use the two-handed weapon, you will largely do without Armor and dexterity. Since you cannot use two-handed weapons and |Shields at the same time, the second use of Skillpoints for Armor is not applicable. For this reason, the armor is not used at the beginning of the game and 3 - 6 skillpoints are invested in armor at level 20. A special case here are the Berserkers, they play the whole game completely without armor.

For players who spend a lot of time on the Battlefield, there is one small exception: in order to keep the Combat potential at a certain level, skills are invested in the "wrong" weapon. So you don't have to buy the current weapon and the cp stays lower. However, these points will be redistributed later. This costs gold (see also Skillpoints), but the advantage of lower combat potential can compensate for this.

Some players also choose the two-handed version and armor. This is rather difficult in the early stages of the game, but comes naturally, especially at the high levels. At some point you have bought the last weapon and can only use the remaining skill points sensibly for the armour.

otherskill, but how?

Completely rekilling a character from one hand to two hands or vice versa can be very expensive and take a long time. It is therefore recommended not to start the change too early (i.e. with a low level), as it may take many days or even weeks to finish. During this time the character is very easy to beat even for smaller levels and is not useful in combat. Already from the 23rd skill reset, each additional point costs 3,000 gold. If you then compare this with the inn earnings, you can quickly calculate how long it can take to reset. If you regularly visit the Battleserver, it is advisable to wait for a 400-fight session with ideally doubled gold earnings. This way you already have a large base with which you can reset many points.

In addition, the following must also be observed: It's more expensive to switch from two-handed to one-handed weapons. The reason: one-handed weapon carriers also improve dexterity.

So preparation is everything:

  • As two-handed: Before resetting, invest diligently points in armor and skill. This way you won't advance too fast for a short time and get a much higher fighting potential, but you won't be unable to fight immediately. This is because you may not be able to use your equipment when you reset, and you will have to buy new equipment if you want to continue fighting during this time.
  • As a one-handed player: Invest a little bit in the two-handed weapon for the next few levels

If you switch from one-handed to two-handed, you have a clear disadvantage on the Battlefield: Skill is still high, because normal skills cannot be reset. Even though you may be wearing no armour or only a small amount of armour, skill will increase your Combat potential unnecessarily. You will have a harder time fighting higher CPs than your own.