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     !  This article is still in progress !  
     !  This article is still in progress!
! Just like the battlefield itself!

Zeile 7: Zeile 9:
Participation in the battlefield is only possible from level 10!
Participation in the battlefield is only possible from level 10!

'''Wichtig ist zu erwähnen, dass unter der Mobilen Version von KnightFight, aktuell das Schlachtfeld nicht aufzurufen ist! Hier bitte in die normale Ansicht wechseln!'''  
'''It is important to mention that under the mobile version of KnightFight, currently the battlefield is not accessible! Please switch to the normal view here!'''  

== Battlefield==
== Battlefield==

Auf dem Schlachtfeld kannst du zusätzlich an internationalen Schlachten teilnehmen. Während du auf dem Battleserver gegen die Krieger anderer Welten antrittst, kannst du in deiner eigenen Welt trotzdem alles unternehmen. Auch als Mitglied einer Gilde muss diese nicht auf dich verzichten.
On the battlefield you can also take part in international battles. While you compete against warriors from other worlds on the Battleserver, you can still do anything in your own world. Even if you are a member of a guild, they do not have to do without you.

Nimm teil an epischen Schlachten und gewinne Gold und Erfahrung. Beachte, dass du auf dem Schlachtfeld keine Veränderungen an deinem Charakter durchführen kannst. Als Battlekrieger steht dir für jeden Kampf die volle Lebensenergie zur Verfügung und dein Level bleibt auf dem jetzigen Stand. Innerhalb von 24 Stunden kannst du bis zu 100 Angriffe durchführen.
Take part in epic battles and gain gold and experience. Note that you cannot make changes to your character on the battlefield. As a Battle Warrior, you will have full life energy available for each battle and your level will remain at its current level. You can perform up to 100 attacks within 24 hours.

Die Schlacht ist beendet, wenn die maximale Battlezeit oder die maximale Anzahl an Kämpfen erreicht wurde.
The battle ends when the maximum battle time or the maximum number of battles is reached.

==Allgemeine Regeln==
==general rules==

* Wie auf dem Heimatserver auch, kann man jeden Spieler oder NPC maximal 1 Mal alle 12 Stunden angreifen.
* As on the home server, you can attack each player or NPC a maximum of 1 time every 12 hours.

* Man kann allerdings alle 5 Minuten von unterschiedlichen Spielern oder NPCs angegriffen werden
* You can be attacked by different players or NPCs every 5 minutes

* Das Schlachtfeld hat keinerlei Einfluss auf die Gesinnung.
* The battlefield has no bearing on the sentiments

* Maßgeblich für gewonnene Battle Punkte ist das [[Special:MyLanguage/Kampfpotential|Kampfpotential]]. Battle Punkte gibt es nur für einen Sieg gegen einen Gegner mit mindestens gleichem Kampfpotential. Battle Punkte werden am Ende des Schlachtfelds in Erfahrungspunkte auf dem Heimatserver umgewandelt. (Siehe auch weiter unten Battle Punkte vs. Erfahrungspunkte)
* Decisive for won battle points is the [[Special:MyLanguage/Kampfpotential|Combat potential]]. Battle points are only awarded for a victory against an opponent with at least the same fighting potential. Battle points are converted into experience points on the home server at the end of the battlefield. (See also below Battle Points vs. Experience Points)

Differenz = KP Gegner - KP Spieler
Difference = CP opponent - CP player

BP = erhaltene Battle Punkte
BP = obtained battle points
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Differenz !! BP
! Level !! Difference !! BP
| 0 || 1
| ab 10 || 0 || 1
| 0,5 - 1 || 2
| ab 10 || 0,5 - 1 || 2
| 1,5 - ?? || 3
| ab 10 || >1,5 || 3
| ?? || 4
| ab 100 || >2,5 || 4
| ?? || 5
| ab 200 || >3,5 || 5
| ab 300 || >4,5 || 6

* Das Gewonnene Gold richtet sich nach der Stärke des Gegners und nicht nach dessen Kontostand. Greift man einen deutlich schwächeren Gegner an, bekommt man z.B. 0-16 Gold, bei einem stärkeren 45-60 Gold. (Je höher das Kampfpotential, desto mehr Gold kann man pro Kampf gewinnen). Das Gold wird am Ende 1:1 in Gold auf dem Heimatserver umgewandelt.
* The gold won depends on the fighting potential of the opponent and not on his account balance. If you attack an opponent who is significantly weaker than your CP, you will receive 0-16 gold, for example, with a stronger 45-60 gold. (The higher the fighting potential of the opponent, the more gold you can win per fight). At the end the gold is converted 1:1 into gold on the home server.
* The character remains exactly as he entered the battlefield Skill points, experience and even changes to the avatar on the home server are ''not'' taken over.
== Additional prizes through raffle ==

* Der Charakter bleibt genauso, wie er das Schlachtfeld betreten hat. Skillpunkte, Erfahrung und sogar Änderung des Avatars auf dem Heimatserver werden '''nicht''' übernommen.
From the instructions:
"Royal Prize Draw
At the end of each battle, each player will receive one ticket for each 100 attacks he/she has carried out to participate in the royal prize draw. Possible prizes are gold, gems and premium running time for the home world."

== Triff deine Wahl ==
The following prizes are possible:
* X (10?) days premium time on the home server
* Doubling of the won Battle Server Gold
* X gems for the home server

Du kannst zwischen 3 Möglichkeiten wählen:
== Make your choice ==
You can choose between 3 options:

=== Option 1 ===
=== Option 1 ===
Zeile 90: Zeile 105:
Battle session fee: 250 Jewels/Mooncoins
Battle session fee: 250 Jewels/Mooncoins

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== Borrowing equipment ==
To borrow equipment for the battlefield, a certain condition must be met: The equipment must not be at the level of the character.
* Option 1: You haven't treated yourself to a new weapon for a long time because you are waiting for a special piece of jewellery. Then your weapon is too weak and you have already distributed your skill points.
* Possibility 2: You drop all or part of your equipment. No equipment at all does not correspond to your level ;)
The cost in gold will be deducted from your account as soon as you enter the battlefield, so you should have enough gold on your home server. Most of the gold costs to borrow the weapon. So if you have a very good weapon, you can save a lot of gold here.
'''Important:''' If you want to rent equipment, you will first be given a suggestion which you must confirm. So it doesn't start immediately, but you have the possibility to try out and choose something.
You can basically get EVERYTHING when you rent. So it is possible that your character has an evil mind, but gets a premium weapon (costs gems to buy), which is equipped with soul stones saint damage.
== tips ==
== tips ==

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* Think carefully before with which [[Special:MyLanguage/Kampfpotential|Combat potential]] you enter the battlefield. If you are just at the border of the next higher CP (e.g. 1.3 or 1.8), it '''may''' make sense to push it a bit by putting on worse equipment. Just experiment a bit with equipment from your pool (e.g. invest the excess gold that doesn't go into skills in jewellery, sell equipment bought with gems/MoonCoins only after the BS no longer accepts it as not matching your level), or see what you can borrow. '''Attention:''' Especially with increasing CP, it is possible that too much equipment trading is rather disadvantageous, because the balance of your character gets lost. It is also possible that you lose too much endurance. Fighting fewer rounds also means a smaller chance of getting good hits.
* The undead enemies are sometimes very unusually skilled or have no equipment. With a little patience they can be found and easily beaten. Simply search several times - costs no gold, only time (e.g. very little parry or strength)

* Möglichkeit 1: Ihr habt euch lange keine neue Waffe gegönnt, weil ihr auf ein besonderes Schmuckstück wartet. Dann ist eure Waffe zu schwach und ihr habt eure Skillpunkte schon verteilt.
* Möglichkeit 2: Ihr legt eure Ausrüstung ganz oder teilweise ab. Gar keine Ausrüstung entspricht auch nicht eurem Level ;)

Die Kosten in Gold werden euch direkt bei Betreten des Schlachtfelds abgezogen, d.h. ihr solltet genug Gold auf dem Heimatserver haben. Das meiste Gold kostet das Ausleihen der Waffe. Wenn ihr also eine sehr gute Waffe habt, könnt ihr euch hier viel Gold sparen.

Ihr könnt grundsätzlich ALLES bekommen beim ausleihen. Es kann also sein, dass euer Charakter eine böse Gesinnung hat, aber eine Premium Waffe bekommt (kostet Edelsteine beim kaufen), die mit Seelensteinen Heiligenschaden ausgestattet ist.
* The undead you are attacked by and who lose 95% (this number is felt and not a safe, fixed value), attack back. They correspond to your [[Special:MyLanguage/Kampfpotential|Combat potential]] and are weaker than you, so they are perfect opponents for Gold and Battle Points.  

== Tipps ==
* The next day the zombies you won against just attack again To do so, open the attack reports at the Battle Courier and call up the profiles again. At best each in a new tab and then simply fight through the game ;)

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The following tips are only for the very small levels. They are examples of how to find easily defeated opponents. They are really only '''examples'''. They are not always to be found in the same composition. They just happened to be there when the tips were created.
* own [[Special:MyLanguage/Kampfpotential|Combat potential]] 1 - 1.5: Attack undead enemies without equipment. How to find them (all criteria must be fulfilled):
#Combat potential 1.5  
* own [[Special:MyLanguage/Kampfpotential|Combat potential]] 1 - 1,5: Undead with very strange skills (each point on its own, they are all different kinds):
#Fighting ability and/or parry over 60
# Kampfpotential 1,5
#'''not''' all skill points only on the weapom -> look at #the picture! If the small view is not enough (some hairstyles are extremely unfavorable), click on the profile and look at it. If no armor is visible, then attack
# Martial arts or parade under 20
# For two-handed players: one-handed opponents with low skill points (between 30 and 40)
# extremely high level, but incredibly low skills (sometimes even below 10)

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* own [[Special:MyLanguage/Kampfpotential|Combat potential]] 2 - 2.5: attack badly silled undead. This is how you find them (all criteria must be fulfilled):
* own [[Special:MyLanguage/Kampfpotential|Combat potential]] 2 - 2.5: attack badly silled undead. This is how you find them (all criteria must be fulfilled):
#Combat potential 2.5
#Combat potential 2.5
#Stamina under 40
#Stamina under 40
#Fighting ability under 50
#Fighting ability under 50
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!  This article is still in progress !
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[[Kategorie:FAQ/en]] [[Kategorie:Fragen zum Spiel/en‏‎]]
Folgende Tipps sind nur was für die ganz kleinen Level. Es sind Beispiele, wie man leicht besiegbare Gegner findet. Es sind wirklich nur '''Beispiele'''. Nicht immer sind sie genauso in der Zusammesetzung zu finden. Sie waren eben zufällig gerade da, als die Tipps erstellt wurden.

* eigenes [[Special:MyLanguage/Kampfpotential|Kampfpotential]] 1 - 1,5: Untote Gegner ohne Ausrüstung angreifen. So findest du sie (''alle'' Kriterien müssen erfüllt sein):
* own [[Special:MyLanguage/Kampfpotential|Combat potential]] 4 - 4,5:
# Kampfpotential 1,5
# Combat potential 5 or 6
# Kampfkunst und/oder Parade über 60
# Weak opponents in the range of 20 - '''ca''' 70 (What you can do maximum depends on your skills and equipment! Just test it and find your own limit)
# '''nicht''' alle Skill-Punkte nur auf der Waffe
# A glimpse of martial arts is an advantage # If the KK is only just over 100, you may be able to create an opponent with parry 80.
# aufs Bild schauen! Wenn die kleine Ansicht nicht reicht (manche Frisuren sind extrem ungünstig), aufs Profil klicken und anschauen. Ist keine Rüstung zu sehen, dann angreifen

* eigenes [[Special:MyLanguage/Kampfpotential|Kampfpotential]] 2 - 2,5: schlecht geskillte Untote angreifen. So findest du sie (''alle'' Kriterien müssen erfüllt sein):
* My level does not match the "usual" combat potential: Sometimes the zombies on a certain KP are significantly higher in level than the player, so the following problem arises: The player does more than enough damage, but due to the level difference he has much less life and loses because he falls below 10 life points. To counteract this somewhat, one can try to minimise the number of combat rounds. The fewer rounds you fight, the less damage you get in total. With a little luck, this is enough to win the fight. The number of combat rounds depends on the [[stamina]]. To achieve the desired result, there are 2 possibilities:
# Kampfpotential 2,5
# Don't skill your own stamina too high.
# Ausdauer unter 40
# Attacking zombies with little stamina
# Kampfkunst unter 50

* eigenes [[Special:MyLanguage/Kampfpotential|Kampfpotential]] 4 - 4,5:
==Battle points vs. experience points==
# Kampfpotential 5 oder 6
# Paradeschwache Gegner im Bereich 20 - '''ca''' 70 (Was ihr maximal schafft hängt hier sehr von euerer Skiilung und euren Equipment ab! Einfach testen und eure eigene Grenze finden)
# Ein Blick auf die Kampfkunst ist von Vorteil. Wenn die KK nur knapp über 100, schafft ihr u.U. auch einen Gegner mit Parade 80.

==Battlepunkte vs. Erfahrungspunkte==

Battle points are not converted 1:1 into experience points. The following formula applies:

Die Battle Punkte werden nicht 1:1 in Erfahrungspunkte umgewandelt. Es gilt folgende Formel:
(Battle points received) - (Number of battles lost) - (0 to 20%) + (0 to 5%)

(Erhaltene Battle Punkte) - (Anzahl verlorene Kämpfe) - (0 bis 20%) + (0 bis 5%)
How much is deducted or added again is random.
Wie viel abgezogen, bzw. wieder hinzugefügt wird, ist dabei zufällig.

Dieser Artikel befindet sich in der Bearbeitung !
This article is still in progress !

[[Kategorie:FAQ]] [[Kategorie:Fragen zum Spiel‏‎]]
[[Kategorie:FAQ/en]] [[Kategorie:Fragen zum Spiel/en‏‎]]
[[Category:FAQ]][[Category:Questions about the game]]

Aktuelle Version vom 3. Dezember 2022, 21:10 Uhr

   !  This article is still in progress! 

! Just like the battlefield itself!

Here you can find information about the battleground, also called Battleground or Battleserver (BS).

Participation in the battlefield is only possible from level 10!

It is important to mention that under the mobile version of KnightFight, currently the battlefield is not accessible! Please switch to the normal view here!


On the battlefield you can also take part in international battles. While you compete against warriors from other worlds on the Battleserver, you can still do anything in your own world. Even if you are a member of a guild, they do not have to do without you.

Take part in epic battles and gain gold and experience. Note that you cannot make changes to your character on the battlefield. As a Battle Warrior, you will have full life energy available for each battle and your level will remain at its current level. You can perform up to 100 attacks within 24 hours.

The battle ends when the maximum battle time or the maximum number of battles is reached.

general rules

  • As on the home server, you can attack each player or NPC a maximum of 1 time every 12 hours.
  • You can be attacked by different players or NPCs every 5 minutes
  • The battlefield has no bearing on the sentiments
  • Decisive for won battle points is the Combat potential. Battle points are only awarded for a victory against an opponent with at least the same fighting potential. Battle points are converted into experience points on the home server at the end of the battlefield. (See also below Battle Points vs. Experience Points)

Difference = CP opponent - CP player

BP = obtained battle points

Level Difference BP
ab 10 0 1
ab 10 0,5 - 1 2
ab 10 >1,5 3
ab 100 >2,5 4
ab 200 >3,5 5
ab 300 >4,5 6
  • The gold won depends on the fighting potential of the opponent and not on his account balance. If you attack an opponent who is significantly weaker than your CP, you will receive 0-16 gold, for example, with a stronger 45-60 gold. (The higher the fighting potential of the opponent, the more gold you can win per fight). At the end the gold is converted 1:1 into gold on the home server.
  • The character remains exactly as he entered the battlefield Skill points, experience and even changes to the avatar on the home server are not taken over.

Additional prizes through raffle

From the instructions: "Royal Prize Draw At the end of each battle, each player will receive one ticket for each 100 attacks he/she has carried out to participate in the royal prize draw. Possible prizes are gold, gems and premium running time for the home world."

The following prizes are possible:

  • X (10?) days premium time on the home server
  • Doubling of the won Battle Server Gold
  • X gems for the home server

Make your choice

You can choose between 3 options:

Option 1

  • Maximum of 100 offensive battles
  • Maximum of 3 days
  • 10 minutes cool-down period between attacks

Eligibility requirements:

  • The last battle session must have ended at least 2 days ago.
  • Your character must be at least level 10

Battle session fee: - none -

Option 2

  • Maximum of 200 offensive battles
  • Maximum of 4 days
  • 5 minutes cool-down period between attacks

Eligibility requirements:

  • The last battle session must have ended at least 1 day ago.
  • Your character must be at least level 10

Battle session fee: 150 Jewels/Mooncoins

Option 3

  • `Maximum of 400 offensive battles
  • Maximum of 7 days
  • 5 minutes cool-down period between attacks

Eligibility requirements:

  • Your character must be at least level 10

Battle session fee: 250 Jewels/Mooncoins

Borrowing equipment

To borrow equipment for the battlefield, a certain condition must be met: The equipment must not be at the level of the character.

  • Option 1: You haven't treated yourself to a new weapon for a long time because you are waiting for a special piece of jewellery. Then your weapon is too weak and you have already distributed your skill points.
  • Possibility 2: You drop all or part of your equipment. No equipment at all does not correspond to your level ;)

The cost in gold will be deducted from your account as soon as you enter the battlefield, so you should have enough gold on your home server. Most of the gold costs to borrow the weapon. So if you have a very good weapon, you can save a lot of gold here. Important: If you want to rent equipment, you will first be given a suggestion which you must confirm. So it doesn't start immediately, but you have the possibility to try out and choose something.

You can basically get EVERYTHING when you rent. So it is possible that your character has an evil mind, but gets a premium weapon (costs gems to buy), which is equipped with soul stones saint damage.


  • Think carefully before with which Combat potential you enter the battlefield. If you are just at the border of the next higher CP (e.g. 1.3 or 1.8), it may make sense to push it a bit by putting on worse equipment. Just experiment a bit with equipment from your pool (e.g. invest the excess gold that doesn't go into skills in jewellery, sell equipment bought with gems/MoonCoins only after the BS no longer accepts it as not matching your level), or see what you can borrow. Attention: Especially with increasing CP, it is possible that too much equipment trading is rather disadvantageous, because the balance of your character gets lost. It is also possible that you lose too much endurance. Fighting fewer rounds also means a smaller chance of getting good hits.

  • The undead you are attacked by and who lose 95% (this number is felt and not a safe, fixed value), attack back. They correspond to your Combat potential and are weaker than you, so they are perfect opponents for Gold and Battle Points.
  • The next day the zombies you won against just attack again To do so, open the attack reports at the Battle Courier and call up the profiles again. At best each in a new tab and then simply fight through the game ;)

The following tips are only for the very small levels. They are examples of how to find easily defeated opponents. They are really only examples. They are not always to be found in the same composition. They just happened to be there when the tips were created.

  • own Combat potential 1 - 1,5: Undead with very strange skills (each point on its own, they are all different kinds):
  1. Kampfpotential 1,5
  2. Martial arts or parade under 20
  3. For two-handed players: one-handed opponents with low skill points (between 30 and 40)
  4. extremely high level, but incredibly low skills (sometimes even below 10)
  • own Combat potential 2 - 2.5: attack badly silled undead. This is how you find them (all criteria must be fulfilled):
  1. Combat potential 2.5
  2. Stamina under 40
  3. Fighting ability under 50
  1. Combat potential 5 or 6
  2. Weak opponents in the range of 20 - ca 70 (What you can do maximum depends on your skills and equipment! Just test it and find your own limit)
  3. A glimpse of martial arts is an advantage # If the KK is only just over 100, you may be able to create an opponent with parry 80.
  • My level does not match the "usual" combat potential: Sometimes the zombies on a certain KP are significantly higher in level than the player, so the following problem arises: The player does more than enough damage, but due to the level difference he has much less life and loses because he falls below 10 life points. To counteract this somewhat, one can try to minimise the number of combat rounds. The fewer rounds you fight, the less damage you get in total. With a little luck, this is enough to win the fight. The number of combat rounds depends on the stamina. To achieve the desired result, there are 2 possibilities:
  1. Don't skill your own stamina too high.
  2. Attacking zombies with little stamina

Battle points vs. experience points

Battle points are not converted 1:1 into experience points. The following formula applies:

(Battle points received) - (Number of battles lost) - (0 to 20%) + (0 to 5%)

How much is deducted or added again is random.

! This article is still in progress !