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Version vom 8. Februar 2020, 17:49 Uhr von Patti (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „Here you can write a short text which will be displayed to those who are being advertised by you. The same commands work here as in the RPG description. Of cou…“)
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Screenshot from settings

In the settings you can set all kinds of things. For example your age, gender or messenger info. You can also tinker with the look of your account, using text and images to describe your character and give other players an idea of what your character looks like. In the following we will go into the individual subitems here!

Change profile settings:

e-mail address and status

There you can see the current address that is given in your account. Furthermore there is a hint if the eMail activated is activated. This is important in case you forget your password. This function is only available if you have not connected your account to the MoonID portal.

Your data

Here you can enter your personal data, such as gender, age and place of residence. These details are voluntary and must be entered not.

The following options are not available if you have connected to the MoonID portal:

  • eMail address
  • eMail status
  • Hometown

Time zone settings:

Here you can select a time zone. If your local time differs from the KnightFight Time, a tooltip with your local time will be available for all times shown in the game.

  • Your time zone: Here you should set e.g. GMT +1 Middle Europe, West Africa
  • Summer-/Wintertime Here you can select whether the summer or winter time should be automatic.

as well as contact details

Change contact details

This function is only available if you have not connected your account to the MoonID portal.

In the contact details you can enter your Messernger IDs for ICQ, and Skype. This information is also voluntary and therefore does not have to be entered. You should also consider if you want your address to be public for everyone.

RPG description of your character

Here you can then write a description of your character. You can use text as well as pictures. The possible commands are shown above the box. When you click on them, the codes will be inserted automatically and you only need to place the text or link between the commands. Please note that this section is only for describing your character. This field should not be used to threaten, insult or abuse your Facebook status. Violations of this kind will be warned first and if they are repeated the account will be deleted.

Translated with (free version)

Upload images

To get graphics into your profile you have to upload your picture files to the internet first. There are many free sites where you can do this without registration. Examples are, and similar sites. Make sure that you do not violate the rules of the game with your picture!

This overview program can also serve as an aid:

Uploader Overview

If you have the appropriate uploader, you can upload your graphics there. You will get several links, but use the direct link. In the description you get the picture like this:

 [img]Direct link[/img]  

After the last security update, only images with the following extensions can be displayed:

  • .jpg
  • .jpeg
  • .gif
  • .png

Image links that have an html ending or contain special characters such as $, ?, % are no longer functional.

Link behind a picture

For this you need the following code:

 [url=Link][img]URL of the image[/img][/url]

Link behind a text

You have to use almost the same code as for the link behind the picture:


Counter for profile

A counter is a counter for visitors on the profile page. This counter is offered free of charge by various providers and you can add it to your profile. To do so, you have to follow the instructions of the respective provider and at the end of the counter link with [img]Counterlink[/img] in the profile.

However, not all counter providers work with KF because most use special characters or html extensions.

Counters that work



  • Pornographic
  • Racist


  • Constitutional law

Images and texts. In addition, care should be taken to ensure that the images do not exceed a maximum width of 810 pixels, or are only just above it. Furthermore, personal links must not violate §19 of the game rules.

This text is displayed when someone clicks on your link

Here you can write a short text which will be displayed to those who are being advertised by you. The same commands work here as in the RPG description. Of course the same rules apply.

Knappensuche / Werbelink aktiv

  • Hier Schaltest du den Werbe Link aus und ein.

Passwort ändern

Diese Funktion gibt es nur wenn du deinen Account nicht mit dem MoonID Portal verbunden hast.

In diesem Bereich kann euer Passwort geändert werden. Zur Sicherheit müsst ihr immer das alte Passwort zusätzlich mit angeben. Achtet darauf wem ihr euer Passwort gebt! Auch interessant wären diese Sicherheitshinweise.


  • Optimierte Ansicht für mobile Endgeräte ( Wenn ihr über euer Smartphone spielt)
  • Sicherheitsabfrage beim Bezahlen mit Premiumwährung anzeigen ( Bevor euch Geld abgezogen wird bzw. Coins oder Edelsteine erscheint eine extra frage noch einmal.)
  • Kampfanzeige während eines Kampfes unterdrücken (nur Premiumspieler)

Namen ändern

Als Premium-Spieler habt ihr neben dem Avatar auch die Möglichkeit euren Namen zu ändern.

Geschlecht des Charakters ändern

Hier könnt ihr von Männlich auf weiblich ändern, oder von Weiblich auf Männlich dieses kostet dich aber jeweils 50 Edelsteine / MoonCoins


Wenn der Name Sonderzeichen enthält, oder bereits vergeben ist, dann erhaltet ihr eine Fehlermeldung. Sucht euch dann einen anderen Namen.


Hier könnt ihr einstellen wie viele Items ihr auf einer Seite des Händlers angezeigt bekommt.

Sprache ändern

Hier kannst du die Sprache der Benutzeroberfläche ändern. Dein KnightFight ist danach in der Sprache die du ausgewählt hast.

Account löschen

Setzt hier den Haken, wenn ihr euren Account löschen wollt. Damit das besser funktioniert, solltet ihr euch danach Ausloggen und abwarten. Durch ständiges wieder einloggen könnte der Haken fliegen. Stelle zuerst auch sicher das du zuvor aus der Gilde ausgetreten bist, ansonsten bekommst du dieses Hinweis im Profil.

Hinweis bei löschung wenn man noch in der Gilde ist

Dieses löscht euren Spiele Account, aber nicht den MoonID Account. Siehe dazu Account löschen

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