Server deactivated

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This page is a translated version of the page Server eingestellt and the translation is 100% complete.
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This article should explain a little bit the frequently asked questions about server settings (shutdowns) or help to answer these questions.

Which servers or games?

The question that is currently asked most often is: Why were servers switched off and which servers or games are affected?

Here is a list of the games that were switched off:

  • Support forums for the games (deactivated)

And why the deactivated?

So I would like to add a quote from User:CVD from the MoonID portal here

Techwarrior and also other titles were discontinued, because RedMoon could no longer map the operation, maintenance and support cleanly and was in a downward spiral anyway, which you certainly did not miss as a player. After the change of ownership at the end of last year we invested a lot of time and money and are now rebuilding the running games in the first instance. Currently the focus is on KnightFight and MonsterGame. KnightFight has received a complete update. MonstersGame is a reprogramming. After the two titles were rolled out again, we would like to bring a Tales of Magic and the Techwarrior to the start again.


Are all games coming back?

This is still not known today. (As of October 2019)

As already mentioned in the quote, there are currently projects that have the highest priority. What comes after that will be shown, and surely also because of the high interest in some of the switched off games.

For us, that means waiting and drinking tea. Alternatively, coffee. Unfortunately, the complete reprogramming cannot be done in one afternoon.

In the MoonID portal you will certainly always get the latest news.

See also :

RedMoon Studios