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Version vom 28. Februar 2020, 12:25 Uhr von Patti (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „== Guild rights ==“)
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Guild castle at level (1)

In KnightFight several knights can join together to form their own guild.


Via the menu item Guild you can either search for guilds to join or (if your character has already reached level 5) you can create your own guild. As soon as you have joined a guild or founded your own guild, you will be given various options under the menu item Guild.

The Guild Menu

As guild administrator you can add new members, assign rights and dismiss members. You can also expand the guild castle or even dissolve the guild. Therefore you should be careful when assigning rights to other members.

The Clan Menu

The Guilds Castle

The bigger the guild castle is, the more members you can take into the guild. In order for the guild castle to be able to expand, gold is required, which members of the guild can donate. The current largest guild castle is at level 25 and can accommodate up to 135 members.

Reasons for a guild

Why would anyone join a guild? There are many reasons:

  • You can meet new people
  • If you are attacked by stronger forces, you can ask for help
  • You can share with them your Gold donkey and maybe find new ones
  • You can wage wars against other guilds
  • You can have tournaments to determine the best of the guild

Guild tag/name error

If you get an error in naming your guild, there are two possible reasons: Either the guild name or guild tag is already taken or it contains special characters or umlauts. Due to given reasons, you are now ONLY allowed to use numbers and upper and lower case letters for the guild tag. Umlauts in guild names are no longer possible. If, then you have to write them as follows:

  • Ä = ae
  • Ö = oe
  • Ü = ue
  • ß = ss

Admission of guild members

To add new players to the guild, your guild castle must be expanded, among other things. The more it is expanded, the more members you can add to the guild. For example, if you have 19 out of 20 members in your guild, you will have to expand your guild to accept a 20th member, because one of the places is already reserved by the system for pure applications!

Online display

Normal guild members only see the guild administrators online. Full admins, i.e. with admin level 4 all members see online as soon as they do something in the game.

Guild rights

Um Admin Rechte bzw. Gildenrechte zu vergeben, müsst ihr auf "Gilde" > "Adminrechte" klicken. Voraussetzung ist das ihr Gilden Rechte habt.

Gilden Rechte Aufzählung

  • Rundschreiben - Das Rundschreiben bringt die Option das der Gildenmember Gilden Rundmails an alle Gilden Mitglieder versenden kann.
  • Gildenbeschreibung - Die Option Gildenbeschreibung erlaubt es dem Gilden Mitglied die Beschreibung der Gilde zu ändern und anzupassen.
  • Einstellen & Kicken - Diese Option erlaubt es deinem Gilden Mitglied andere Mitglieder aus der Gilde zu werfen und neue Bewerber aufzunehmen.
  • Gildenkriege - Die Option Gildenkriege erlaubt deinem Gildenmitglied, einen Gildenkrieg anzuzetteln bzw. auch abzubrechen.
  • Gilde auflösen - Die Option sollte eigentlich selbst klärend sein, hiermit kann also dein Gildenmitglied die gesamte Gilde auflösen bzw. löschen.
  • Volladmin - Mit der Option hast du alle oben genannten Rechte und bist so hoch wie der Gildengründer.

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